My misconceptions about Down Syndrome

I know when I had my son, I was as uneducated as they come about Downs. I could only remember old episodes of Life Goes On and older people at my church with grown children dragging behind them. My knowledge was very limited. So, despite the Dr. telling me not to jump to conclusions the first time I saw my son, I was on my phone Googling while the doc was still stitching me up. I will attempt to share here a few of the bits of info I’ve discovered along the way 🙂 

  • They are not little zombies or robots or even ‘little angels’. I remember the first couple of weeks of Kullen’s life I was devastated by the thought that he would always love me, not because I deserved it or earned it by being a wonderful mother, but because he would never know any better. When I thought about him socializing I kept picturing this little puppy, getting beaten and mistreated but always coming back for more love. I HATED when people kept saying “They’re (Down Syndrome people) so full of love.” “They love everyone” “They’re just little angels.” I didn’t want that for my son!!! I know first hand how awful this world can be, especially around school age and I wanted my little man to have Spunk! some Sass! Stand up for himself and demand to be treated correctly. And BOY DOES HE! He may only be 6 months but he smiles, frowns, coos and cahs, gets frustrated, throws things, flirts with every ceiling fan he comes in contact with (he gives them the most brilliant eyes and babbles at them while smiling from ear to ear) and he doesn’t cry, he HOLLERS! Yells at me like a MAD MAN! He DEMANDS to be heard and GOD does my child have some lungs!!! He just started blowing raspberries and he does this at every opportunity to express his discontent. He is not Down Syndrome, he is Kullen Michael Klumpp and he is NOT a ‘little angel’, (anymore than every other child is a little angel) he’s a six month old little boy who cannot wait to take on this world! 

I’ll post more later as I recall them. My son is demanding my attention 🙂Image

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